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Grant Research & Writing

Whether you are applying for public or private funding for a new initiative, additional programming, workforce development, operations, or equipment, I develop meaningful and credible grant applications that win awards.

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Fund Development

Successful fundraising campaigns take time and resources that you don’t always have in-house. I’ve raised millions of dollars for programming and capital projects – I’d love to help you and your team do the same!

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Project Management

Is there a program or project you’ve put on the back burner due to lack of time or resources? Are you stuck on where or how to begin? Let’s get it moving together! I am an accomplished project and program manager who loves turning ideas and dreams into realities.

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Public Relations

I will create and maintain a positive, authentic public image for your organization by building strong media and community relationships. Whether it’s project by project or an ongoing need, your relationship with the public is vital to your success. Let’s work together to ensure your positive impact is understood throughout the community!

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Writing & Editing

From technical writing to editing books and drafting speeches, whatever your writing or editing needs are, we will work together to construct a meaningful message to help you connect with your audience.

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Good data and well-developed research can help you tell your organization’s story in a highly effective way. It can help you and your audience understand developing issues and trends, provide truthful evidence, and provide new insight. Let’s figure out together how research can help your organization grow and thrive.

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Event Planning and Implementation

Events are a great way to increase public awareness, showcase a new product or program, and raise funds. Leave the details to me while you spend time developing relationships and opportunities! I have experience planning and implementing:

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Strategic Meeting & Retreat Facilitation

I will deliver a professional meeting report to provide you and your team with the necessary steps to implement meeting outcomes. I offer follow-up opportunities to check-in on progress and keep you on track to meet your strategic goals.